VIDAWASI Peru is a non-profit social organization with the purpose to restore life expectancy for thousands of children who urgently require specialized pediatric services and the fight against childhood cancer. Our major mission is to decentralize child health services with high quality standards for the most vulnerable populations in our country. VIDAWASI invites everyone to join, especially people and organizations that wish to transcend with determined social action in favor of this great purpose. VIDAWASI invites us and gives us the opportunity to share our love and our talents with others.
Jesús Dongo and his little daughter Abigail (age 5) suffered a terrible accident that left them on the brink of death. During his agony, Jesús decided to make a promise: "To change the course of his life by saving thousands of lives for the world with all those who recognize the same call." Jesús and his daughter survived without scientific explanation and without any sequel, which is why as an expression of gratitude he and his family decided to fulfill the promise and founded VIDAWASI PERU, a social organization that has built the Children's Health Citadel "Virgen de VIDAWASI", thanks to the strength and support of dedicated people and organizations committed to the same purpose. “Miracles can become true when more people have the same goal”
"Generate life, offer an opportunity that unites the world in child health care under the pillars of love, science and dignity for the most vulnerable children and families."
"Miracles can come true when more people coincide with the same goal"
Become a leading community in child health, joining efforts to achieve genuine decentralization of pediatric health services and the fight against childhood cancer for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations.
Es el sentimiento que ha dado origen a esta obra y es el motor que nos impulsa a salvar miles de vidas de infantes que representan el clamor y la necesidad de ayuda al prójimo.
We will apply international standards to provide specialized and quality care, with the support of the most prestigious organizations in pediatric healthcare and attention in the world.
We will provide specialized pediatric services to Peruvian children and youth. Families will be able to enjoy the facilities, amenities and services in VIDAWASI city.
The Cusco region has 7 peripherally adjacent regions, it has jungle, center and south of the country. VIDAWASI represents a great opportunity for more than 800,000 children from the area of influence to Cusco and we are working to become a national reference center very soon. VIDAWASI is a micro city of love of great scenic beauty that allows for well-being and high social profitability for individuals and corporations seeking to join the solution of a national clamor.
Cirujana pediátrica Hospital del Niño, Breña
Dir. Médico - Hospital Del Amor - Barretos, Brasil
Arqueólogo, descubridor de las Tumbras Reales de Sipán
Médico inspirador del mundo de la risoterapia
Dir. Clínica Monterrico
Consult. inter. en comunicación y desarrollo social
Consultora en educación desarrollo social